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The Sacral Chakra & How to Balance It
The sacral chakra, also known as the svadhistana chakra, is the energy center located in the lower abdomen, just below the navel, and is associated with the colour orange.

The Root Chakra Everything you Need to Know
The root chakra, also known as the muladhara chakra, is the first of the seven chakras in the human body. It is located at the base of the spine and is associated with the color red. This chakra is considered the foundation of the energy system, as it governs our basic survival needs and instincts.

How do You Ask the Universe to Send You a Sign? 6 Tips to Ask the Universe for a Sign
Do you ever feel lost or uncertain about what path to take in life? Do you wish you could receive a clear sign or message from a higher power to guide you? If so, you're not alone. Many people seek guidance and clarity from the universe but aren't sure how to receive it.

Who Are the 11 Main Archangels? A Guide to These Divine Beings
Archangels are often revered as the most powerful and influential angels. They are responsible for carrying out some of the most important missions assigned by God. Among the archangels, there are eleven main archangels who are known for their unique roles and purposes. From defending and protecting to inspiring creativity and healing, each archangel has a specific role that has been documented in various religious texts and stories.

11 Triggers of a Spiritual Awakening: A Beginner's Guide
Have you ever felt like there is something more to life than what you are currently experiencing? Do you feel a deep sense of longing or restlessness that you can't quite explain? If so, you may be going through a spiritual awakening. A spiritual awakening is a profound shift in consciousness that can lead to a deeper sense of connection with the universe, increased intuition, and a greater understanding of the true nature of reality.

Spirit Release Therapy: Releasing Negative Energies and Entities
When it comes to our overall health and wellbeing, we often focus on taking care of our physical and mental health. However, there is another aspect of our being that is equally important, yet often overlooked—our spiritual health. Spirit Release Therapy (SRT) is an alternative healing modality that focuses on addressing spiritual, emotional, and psychological issues by identifying and releasing negative energies and entities from a person's energy field.

Discover the Benefits of Meditation for Mental Health & Mindfulness
Learn about the benefits of meditation for mental health and how this ancient practice can help you find inner peace and calmness.

Crystal Healing & How to Use Gemstones to Enhance Your Energy Flow
Discover the benefits of crystal healing and learn how to use gemstones to enhance your energy flow using the power of crystals. Find out which gemstones are best for your needs, how to cleanse and charge them, and how to incorporate them into your daily life. Improve your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being with crystal healing today.

Can Mediumship Help With Grief? Understanding the Healing Power of Spirituality
Grief can be overwhelming and can take a toll on your mental and emotional wellbeing. It's a process that's different for everyone, and there's no right or wrong way to grieve. However, spirit communication through mediumship can be a powerful tool to help you heal and find peace.

The Causes of Spirit Attachments & Understanding the Root Cause of the Problem
The common causes of spirit attachments include trauma, addiction, spiritual ignorance, and environmental pollution. Discover how to understand and heal the root of the problem to release negative energy and attachments and attract positive energies.

8 Types Of Spirit Guides & How To Communicate With Them
Spirit guides are non-physical beings that exist on a higher spiritual plane, beyond the physical realm. They are often seen as wise and compassionate helpers who offer guidance and support to humans on their spiritual journey to reach their greatest potential on earth. There are many types of spirit guides who may take many different forms, such as angels, animal spirits, ancestors, ascended masters, and other spiritual entities.

The Dangers of Entity & Spirit Attachments
Spirit attachments, also called "entity attachments," happen when a foreign, negative energy entity attaches itself to a person's energy field or aura. These entities can be benevolent or malevolent, and their presence can have serious consequences for a person's physical, mental, and emotional health.

7 Signs That You Might Have Psychic Medium Abilities
Psychic medium abilities refer to the ability to connect with and communicate with spirits, including loved ones who have passed away. Some people may have psychic abilities without realising it.

12 Powerful Ways to Protect Your Energy
Energy protection is the practice of creating a protective barrier around oneself to prevent negative energy or unwanted influences from affecting one's well-being. Protecting your energy is an important practice for anyone who is sensitive to energy or feels drained, such as empaths, healers, or those who work in high-stress environments.

Learn How to Connect With Your Spirit Guides & The Benefits
Connecting with spirit guides can be a profound experience that can help you get guidance, support, and clarity in your life, offering many benefits. Spirit guides are non-physical beings that are believed to be assigned to each person to help them on their life journey. They can come in many forms, such as angels, ancestors, animals, or even a higher self.

How to Prepare for a Psychic Medium Reading A Step-by-Step Guide for Clients
Psychic medium readings can be a powerful way to connect and communicate with your guides and loved ones who have passed on, but it's important to approach the experience with an open mind and an understanding of what to expect.

Removing Negative Entities & Ways to Protect Your Energy from Spiritual Intruders
Negative entities, also known as spiritual intruders, can cause psychic attacks and a lot of harm to a person's mental, emotional, and physical health. They can attach themselves to people and drain their energy, cause depression and anxiety, and even create physical illnesses.

Feeling Stuck & Staganant? 12 Spiritual Cleansing Methods To Clear Negative Energy
Spiritual cleansing is the act of removing negative energy from your body, mind, and spirit and replacing it with positive energy. It is based on the belief that our thoughts, emotions, and actions can create energy that can either help or harm us. When negativity builds up, it can affect our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being and can manifest as stress, anxiety, depression, or physical illness.

9 Signs That You Need Energy Healing & Understanding the Symptoms of Blocked Chakras
If you're feeling stuck, drained, or disconnected, it may be a sign that your energy system is blocked and imbalanced. Energy healing can help bring your chakras back into balance and help your body, mind, and spirit heal.

How to Find a Reliable Psychic Medium: Tips to Find the Right One
Are you seeking guidance from the spirit world but unsure where to turn? Finding a reliable medium can be a daunting task, but it's essential to choose and find the right one to ensure a positive and meaningful experience.

Spiritual Awakening Challanges & How to Navigate Them
Spiritual awakening is the process of discovering one's true self and the purpose of existence. It can be a transformative experience that brings profound changes to an individual's life. The path to spiritual awakening can also be filled with many obstacles that can be hard to get through.

The Use of Energy Healing to Help you Heal Trauma Related Physical Pain
Trauma can have a lasting impact on an individual's physical and mental health. People who have been through trauma often have chronic pain, such as headaches, back pain, and tight muscles. Traditional ways of dealing with pain, like medication and physical therapy, can be helpful, but they may not address the emotional and mental trauma that is often at the root of the pain. Energy healing is a powerful tool to heal deep-rooted traumas.

Smudging 101 Burning Sage To Cleanse & Clear Negativity From Your Environment & Self
Smudging is an ancient practice used for centuries by indigenous cultures worldwide. The practice involves burning sage, sacred plants, or other herbs and using the smoke to cleanse and clear a space or person of negative energy. People are becoming more interested in natural healing and other ways to take care of themselves, which has made smudging more popular.

The Benefits of Reiki and How Energy Healing Can Help You Improve Your Life and Health
Energy healing is a holistic practice that involves changing the energy system and fields around the body to improve physical, mental, and emotional health and create relaxation. Over the years, energy-based healing has become increasingly popular as more people have discovered its many benefits. There are many healing modalities; Reiki is the most commonly known. Reiki is a Japanese healing practice used for thousands of years.

5 Famous Psychic Mediums Who Have Helped People Connect with Their Loved Ones
Throughout history, there have been many individuals who possess the gift of mediumship and the ability to communicate with spirits of the deceased. These gifted celebrity mediums have helped countless people connect with loved ones who have passed on and give them messages from the afterlife using their psychic abilities.

6 Types of Energy Healing You Need to Know About
Energy healing is a holistic approach to wellness that seeks to balance energy flow within the body. There are many different types of energy healing, each with its own unique techniques and philosophies. From Reiki to acupuncture to crystal healing, each modality offers a different approach to promoting healing and well-being.

The Power of Sound Healing a Vibrational Medicine to Balance Your Energy Field
Sound healing has been a powerful modality for centuries to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Using the power of sound to create a sound bath involves using various vibrational frequencies to create a state of relaxation, balance, and harmony within the body and mind.

How to Develop Your Mediumship & Psychic Abilities
Developing both your mediumship and psychic abilities is a process that takes time, effort, and dedication. However, with the right techniques and practices, you can learn how to tap into your psychic and intuitive abilities and connect with the spirit world in a meaningful way.

10 Signs of a Spiritual Awakening
A spiritual awakening is a profound shift in one's perception and understanding of themselves, their relationship to others, and the world around them. It typically involves a heightened sense of awareness, a deepened connection to a higher power or universal consciousness, and a greater understanding of the nature of reality

The Signs of a Spirit or Entity Attachment
A spirit or entity attachment is a condition where an external entity, such as a ghost or negative energy, attaches itself to a person and interferes with their physical, mental, or emotional well-being.

The Power of Mediumship and Energy Healing
Mediumship and energy healing is the ability to communicate with spirits and channel healing energy to help people overcome physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances.

What is a Psychic?
A psychic is an individual with a special gift for sensing and interpreting energy to gain insights and make predictions about a person's life.

The 7 Chakras
Understanding the energy centers of the body, also known as chakras, is an important aspect of many spiritual and holistic practices. The word "chakra" comes from Sanskrit and translates to "wheel" or "disk," referring to the spinning energy centers in the body.

What is a Medium?
In the world of spirituality, a "medium" is a person who has the ability to communicate with the spirits of those who have passed away. There are many types of mediumship, mental mediumship, trance, physical mediumship, séance, and ectoplasm.

Energy Healing
Energy healing has been practiced for hundreds of years. It's known to treat various illnesses like anxiety and depression. Energy healing is a tool a healer or practitioner uses to bring the mind, body and soul back into balance.

Medium Reading
Psychic medium readings help bring spiritual healing to those who seek inner peace and emotional reassurance from loved ones in the spirit world.

Psychic Senses
The psychic senses explained and how to guide you to develop your psychic abilities and work with them.

Psychic Mediums
Mediumship readings can help you find peace and help with grief and emotional issues

What Is a Psychic Medium?
A psychic medium serves as an intermediary between the spirit world and the living.