12 Powerful Ways to Protect Your Energy | Tony Womersley
12 Powerful Ways to Protect Your Energy

12 Powerful Ways to Protect Your Energy

Energy protection is the practice of creating a protective barrier around oneself to prevent negative energy or unwanted influences from affecting one's well-being. Protecting your energy is an important practice for anyone who is sensitive to energy or feels drained, such as empaths, healers, or those who work in high-stress environments.


The practice of energy protection involves various techniques that are designed to create a protective shield around your body. This energy field, also known as your "aura," is the subtle energy surrounding your body and is believed to be affected by your thoughts, emotions, and environment.

Protect your energy from negativity using techniques such as visualisation, crystals, grounding exercises, setting boundaries, breath exercises, smudging, and using essential oils.

For example, you may visualise a protective bubble of light surrounding you or carry a crystal with protective properties to help shield your energy. You may also set healthy boundaries with others, such as learning to say no to things that don't serve you or avoiding people who make you feel drained.

Protecting your energy aims to keep a sense of balance and well-being in your daily life by protecting your energy field and keeping negative energy or influences from affecting you. It is a practice that works best when done with awareness, visualisation, intention, and regular attention.

12 powerful ways to protect your energy

Set boundaries

One of the most important things you can do to protect your energy is to set healthy boundaries. This means learning to say no to things that don't serve you, taking time for self-care, and avoiding people or situations that drain your energy.

Practice self-care

Prioritising self-care is another important way to protect your energy. This includes getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and doing activities that bring joy.

Practice grounding

Grounding connects you with the earth and can help you feel more centred and protected. You can do this by walking barefoot on the ground, meditating outside, or practising yoga.

Use crystals

Many crystals are believed to have protective properties and can be used to help shield your energy. Some popular choices include black tourmaline, amethyst, and clear quartz.

Visualise a protective barrier

You can visualise a protective bubble of light or a shield of energy surrounding you, keeping out negative influences.

Use essential oils

Essential oils such as lavender or frankincense can help clear negative energy and promote a sense of calm and protection.

Clear your space

Clearing your space of negativity can help protect your energy and home. You can do this by burning sage or palo santo or using sound therapy with singing bowls or chimes to cleanse your energy.

Spend time in nature

Spending time in nature can help you feel more grounded and connected to the earth, which can help you recharge and protect your energy.

Practice mindfulness

Practising mindfulness can help you become more aware of your energy and how it is affected by your surroundings. This can help you identify and avoid situations that deplete your energy.

Avoid toxic people

Avoiding toxic people and negative situations is another important way to keep your vibes high. This may mean setting healthy boundaries with family members or co-workers or avoiding negative news or social media.

Practice gratitude

Practising gratitude can shift your focus to the positive and protect your energy from negative thoughts and emotions.

Surround yourself with positive energy

Surrounding yourself with positive people, uplifting music, and inspiring art or books can help protect your energy and boost your mood.

Energy protection can help you feel more balanced, centred, and in control of your life. Protecting your energy can improve your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being and create a more positive and fulfilling life.