6 Types of Energy Healing You Need to Know About | Tony Womersley
6 Types of Energy Healing You Need to Know About

6 Types of Energy Healing You Need to Know About

Energy healing is a holistic approach to wellness that seeks to balance energy flow within the body. There are many different types of energy healing, each with its own unique techniques and philosophies. From Reiki to acupuncture to crystal healing, each modality offers a different approach to promoting healing and well-being.


Energy healing is a holistic therapy that seeks to balance the energy flow within the body, helping promote healing and well-being. There are many healing modalities, each with unique techniques and philosophies. The six most popular energy healing modalities you need to know about include Reiki, reflexology, acupuncture, crystal healing, sound healing, and chakra balancing.


Reiki is an energy healing that began in Japan in the 20th century. It has many benefits. The word "Reiki" means "universal life force energy," and the practice involves the transfer of this energy from a practitioner to a recipient through the laying of hands.

Reiki can also be performed in a distant healing session, as everything is energy. The goal of Reiki is to balance the energy centres throughout the body, promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.

During a Reiki session, the recipient will lie down or sit comfortably while the practitioner places their hands on or near the recipient's body. In an energy healing session, the practitioner will channel energy into the recipient's body, helping clear any blockages in the chakras and promoting the free flow of energy.

Reiki is a gentle, non-invasive practice that treats various physical and emotional traumas, including stress, anxiety, pain, and other medical conditions.


It is an alternative therapy that involves the application of pressure to specific points on the feet, hands, and ears. These points, known as reflex points, are believed to be connected to specific organs, glands, and other body parts, and applying pressure releases stored energy within the physical body.

During a session, the recipient will lie down or sit comfortably while the practitioner uses their hands or fingers to apply pressure to various reflex points on the feet, hands, or ears. The pressure is typically firm but gentle, and the practitioner will work to identify any areas of tension or discomfort and focus on those areas to promote relaxation and healing.


Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine practice used for thousands of years. It involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body, known as acupoints. These acupoints are believed to be connected to specific organs and energy pathways within the body, and the insertion of needles is thought to help balance the blocked energy in the body.

Acupuncture commonly addresses physical pain, discomfort, and emotional issues like anxiety and depression. The practice is safe and effective, and many people find it to be a relaxing and rejuvenating experience.

Crystal healing

Crystal healing is a type of energy healing that involves the use of crystals and gemstones to create healing and well-being. Each type of crystal is believed to have its unique energy and healing properties, and practitioners use these properties to help balance the energy field.

During a crystal healing session, the practitioner will place various crystals on or around the recipient's body, focusing on specific areas that need attention. The crystals are believed to help clear blockages and promote the free flow of energy, leading to physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness.

Sound healing

Spiritual healers use sound vibrations to create healing and well-being. This can involve singing bowls, gongs, chimes, and other instruments, as well as vocal toning and chanting.

During a session, the recipient will lie down or sit comfortably while the practitioner plays various instruments or sings. The sound vibrations you're experiencing are believed to help balance the energy flow freely within the body, leading to physical and emotional, energetic healing.

Chakra balancing

It is an energy healing practice that balances the seven main chakras within the body. Each energy centre is believed to be associated with specific physical, emotional, and spiritual issues; an imbalance in one or more of the seven chakras can lead to a wide range of health problems.

During a healing therapy session, the energy healer will identify any blocks or imbalances within the chakras and work to clear them. This can involve various techniques, including visualisation, meditation, and energy work.

Energy healing is a powerful tool for promoting healing and well-being. There are many energy healing modalities, whether seeking a gentle, non-invasive practice like Reiki or a more traditional approach.