8 Types Of Spirit Guides & How To Communicate With Them | Tony Womersley
8 Types Of Spirit Guides & How To Communicate With Them

8 Types Of Spirit Guides & How To Communicate With Them

Spirit guides are non-physical beings that exist on a higher spiritual plane, beyond the physical realm. They are often seen as wise and compassionate helpers who offer guidance and support to humans on their spiritual journey to reach their greatest potential on earth. There are many types of spirit guides who may take many different forms, such as angels, animal spirits, ancestors, ascended masters, and other spiritual entities.


Many people believe in spirituality and that we all have at least one spirit guide and guardian angel. These guides are with us throughout our lives, offering insight, protection, and encouragement. They may communicate with us through dreams, intuition, signs and symbols, or other subtle messages that require us to be attentive and receptive to their presence.

While some people may be aware of their spirit guides and communicate with them regularly, others may need to be aware of their presence or may have difficulty connecting with them. However, with practice and an open mind, anyone can connect with their spirit guides and receive their guidance and support.

Connecting with your guides and the spirit world using your psychic senses and intuitive abilities is a spiritual practice that can bring many advantages. Here are some of the types of spirit guides:

Eight different types of spirit guides


Angels are powerful beings who can provide guidance and protection. Communicate with them, ask for their help and guidance, and pay attention to any signs or messages you receive.


Ancestors are our blood relatives who have passed away. They can provide us with guidance and wisdom from their experiences. To communicate with them, light a candle or make an offering to honour them, and ask for their guidance.

Animal spirit guides

Animal spirit guides provide us with guidance and support. To communicate with them, pay attention to the animals you encounter and their behaviour, and look up their symbolic meanings.

Ascended masters

Ascended masters are highly evolved spiritual beings who can provide us with guidance and wisdom. Communicate with them, meditate on their image or name, and ask for their help and guidance.


Elementals are spirits that represent the four elements (earth, air, fire, and water). They can help us connect with the natural world and guide us on our spiritual path. To communicate with them, spend time in nature and focus on the element you wish to connect with.

Spirit animals

Spirit animals appear in our dreams or meditations to provide guidance and support. To communicate with them, pay attention to the animals that appear in your dreams or meditations, and research their symbolic meanings.

Star beings

Star beings are extraterrestrial beings who can provide us with guidance and wisdom. Communicate with them, meditate on the stars or the cosmos, and ask for their help and guidance.


Archangels are powerful angels who can provide us with protection and guidance. To communicate with them, invoke their names and ask for their help and guidance.

Remember that spirit guides are always with us, and they are eager to help us on our spiritual journey. Ask for their assistance, and be open to receiving their guidance in whatever form.

How do spirit guides communicate with us?

Spirit guides communicate with us in various ways, which may differ for each person. Here are some common ways spirit guides may communicate:


Spirit guides can communicate with us through intuition, providing a sense of inner knowing or a gut feeling about a situation.


Dreams are one of the easiest ways our spirit guides communicate with us, offering guidance or messages through symbols or metaphors.

Signs and symbols

Spirit guides use signs and symbols in the physical world, such as numbers, animals, or objects that hold significance to us.

Physical sensations

Spirit guides can communicate through physical sensations, such as a feeling of warmth or a tingling sensation.


Spirit guides use telepathy to communicate, sending thoughts or messages to our minds.

Through other people

Spirit guides can use others as messengers, providing guidance or messages through friends, family members, or strangers.

It's important to remember that our spirit guides talk to us subtly, and we may need to be alert and open to hear what they say. By being open and receptive to their guidance, we can strengthen our connection with our spirit guides and gain a deeper understanding of our spiritual journey.

What to do when you feel disconnected from your spirit guides

Feeling disconnected from your spirit guides can be a common experience, but there are several things you can do to help reconnect with them:


Set aside some time each day to meditate and quiet your mind. This will allow you to be more receptive to any messages or guidance your spirit guides may be trying to communicate.

Ask for guidance from the spirit realm

Make a conscious effort to ask your spirit guides for guidance and support. Be specific in your requests and pay attention to any signs or synchronicities that may arise.

Listen to your intuition

Our intuition is your inner guidance system, a great way to connect with your spirit guides. Trust your instincts, and pay attention to any gut feelings or inner nudges you may receive.

Practice gratitude

Thanking your spirit guides for the help and guidance they have given you can help strengthen your connection with them.

Seek out a spiritual community

Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals who share your beliefs can provide a supportive environment for connecting to your spirit guides.

Connecting with your spirit guides is a personal journey that may take time and patience. Be open to the process and trust that your guides are always with you, even if you don't feel their presence.