9 Signs That You Need Energy Healing & Understanding the Symptoms of Blocked Chakras | Tony Womersley
9 Signs That You Need Energy Healing & Understanding the Symptoms of Blocked Chakras

9 Signs That You Need Energy Healing & Understanding the Symptoms of Blocked Chakras

If you're feeling stuck, drained, or disconnected, it may be a sign that your energy system is blocked and imbalanced. Energy healing can help bring your chakras back into balance and help your body, mind, and spirit heal.


Blocked chakras and energy can manifest in various physical, emotional, and spiritual symptoms and impact your overall well-being. Energy healing is a powerful tool that can help restore energy flow, bring balance, and promote healing on all levels.

Let's explore the nine signs that you may need energy healing and help you understand the symptoms of blocked energy and imbalances in the body. Whether you're new to energy healing or a seasoned energy healer, we will provide valuable insights into the powerful healing potential of energy work.

Nine signs that you have blocked chakras

Chronic fatigue

It could be a sign of blocked energy if you're experiencing unexplained fatigue that doesn't go away with rest. Healing your solar plexus chakra can help restore balance and boost energy levels.

Chronic pain

Chronic pain that doesn't respond to conventional treatments may indicate blocked energy. Reiki can help release energetic blockages that may contribute to your physical pain.

Anxiety and depression

If you're experiencing anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues, it could be a sign of blocked energy. Energy work can help restore balance and promote emotional healing.


It may be a sign of blocked energy if you're having trouble sleeping or staying asleep. Healing the crown chakra will help to promote relaxation and restore balance to your body's natural rhythms.

Digestive issues

Digestive issues such as bloating, constipation, or diarrhoea can indicate blocked energy in your gut. Healing the chakras system will help to promote digestive health and restore balance to your digestive system.

Chronic illness

Chronic illnesses like autoimmune disorders, diabetes, or heart disease may indicate blocked energy. Energy healing can help promote healing and support your body's natural healing processes.

Feeling stuck

It could be a sign of blocked energy if you're feeling stuck or not progressing. Energy therapy can help release energetic blockages and support you in moving forward.

Difficulty focusing or concentrating

If you're having difficulty focusing or concentrating, it could be a sign of blocked energy in the third eye chakra. Restoring the energy flow can promote mental clarity and restore balance to your mind.

Feeling overwhelmed or stressed

It may be a sign of a blocked root chakra if you're feeling overwhelmed or stressed. Healing the energetic body can help promote relaxation and restore your body and mind balance.

Blocked energy can manifest in a variety of ways

Impacting our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Alternative healing is a powerful tool that can help to release energetic blockages and restore balance to our bodies and minds.

By understanding the signs and symptoms of blocked energy and seeking out the support of an experienced energy healer, we can tap into the powerful healing potential of energy work and experience profound transformation in our lives.

What are the two most essential chakras to focus on?

The two most important chakras to focus on in a healing session are the heart chakra and the throat chakra. The heart chakra is centre of love, compassion, and forgiveness, while the throat chakra is associated with communication and self-expression. By working to balance these chakras, we can open ourselves up to deeper levels of connection, creativity, and authenticity.

So if you're feeling stuck, drained, or disconnected, consider seeking a healer to help you restore balance to your heart and throat chakras and unleash your full healing potential.

Understanding the symptoms of blocked energy in the physical body is the first step in promoting healing and restoring balance to your body, mind, and spirit. If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, many types of energy healing may be helpful tools in your healing journey.