Medium Reading | Tony Womersley
Medium Reading

Medium Reading

Psychic medium readings help bring spiritual healing to those who seek inner peace and emotional reassurance from loved ones in the spirit world.


What is a medium reading?

A medium reading is when the psychic or medium talks to the spirits of people who have died. This type of reading can provide comfort and closure to those who have lost loved ones and give them messages from loved ones in spirit.

How can a medium reading change your life?

A medium reading can change your life in many ways. It can give you a new perspective on your life, help you understand your past, and guide your future. A medium reading can also help you connect with loved ones who have passed away and receive messages from them, healing you and the person in spirit.

Mediums channel spirit

There are many different types of medium-channelling relationships, each unique. Some mediums channel family members, while others channel spirit guides or other spiritual beings.

Most importantly, the relationship is based on trust and mutual respect. The medium should always respect the spirit they are channelling, and the spirit should be open and honest with the medium. If both parties are uncomfortable with the relationship, it is best to end it.

How can medium readings help with grief?

A medium reading can be beneficial for those who are grieving. A medium can help connect with loved ones who have passed away and provide comfort and closure. A medium reading can also help identify any unfinished business causing grief and guide how to move forward.

Can anyone become a medium?

Yes, anyone can become a medium. However, it is essential to remember that not everyone is called to be a medium. Some people are born with the ability to communicate with the spirit world, while others may learn how to do it through study and practice.

There are many different types of mediumship, so it is important to find the right type. Many resources are available to help you develop your skills if you feel called to be a medium.

How can psychic readings help with your life?

If you've never had a psychic reading, you may wonder how it could change your life. A psychic reading can give you clarity and insights you might not have had before.

It can help you see things differently and make better choices for your future. A psychic reading can also give you peace and understanding about your life, which can be invaluable.

Types of psychic mediums and their ways of connecting

There are many psychic mediums; each connects with the spirit world differently. Some use their intuition, while others use their psychic abilities. Some psychics use tarot cards or crystal balls, while others use mediumship.

It's important to find a psychic with whom you feel comfortable and who you trust.

Can a psychic medium reading happen over the phone or via zoom?

Yes, a psychic mediumship reading can happen over a phone call. The medium will use their psychic senses to connect with the person you ask about and relay any messages they receive. This type of reading can be as accurate as in person, so don't hesitate to try it.

My medium and spiritual services

I help people worldwide with their spiritual lives by doing evidential mediumship readings, energy healing, and spiritual guidance sessions. All sessions are via Zoom.

Spiritual counselling and healing can help you navigate grief and emotional and physical pain. My passion is to help people feel more connected to divine love, understanding, and guidance through connecting with their higher selves or deceased loved ones. In a session with me, we will explore together how you want to work within the session.

We can connect with our higher self or deceased loved ones for messages of guidance or comfort. I can remove energetic blocks or attachments affecting your daily life.

We can look at patterns in your life that may be holding you back from moving forward so that we can identify areas in which you would like to make changes, develop new habits, or shift perspectives on things. All sessions are unique to you based on what you need!

Tips for your first online psychic reading

If you're considering getting an online psychic reading, keep a few things in mind to ensure you have the best experience possible. How to prepare for a psychic medium reading First, finding a reputable psychic with positive reviews from other clients is essential. Once you've found someone you can trust, be specific about what you want to focus on during your reading.

This will help the psychic connect with you and give you the most accurate reading possible. Finally, be open-minded and don't be afraid to ask questions; a good psychic will happily answer any questions you have.

How to find a trustworthy psychic medium reading online

If you're looking for a trustworthy psychic reading online, asking your friends and family for recommendations is the best place to start. Once you've found a few psychics that you're interested in, take some time to read online reviews to get a feel for what other people have experienced.

Once you've narrowed your choices, contact the psychics to ask questions and schedule a reading. Be sure to ask about their experience, credentials, and what they specialise in before making your final decision.

Understanding “hot” and “cold” medium readings

"hot" reading is one in which the medium brings forth information unknown to the sitter or the medium beforehand. This type of reading can be very convincing and is often used by professional readers. "cold" reading is when the medium does not bring forth any new information but uses information already known to the sitter or the medium. This type of reading is often less convincing but can still be helpful.