Psychic Mediums | Tony Womersley
Psychic Mediums

Psychic Mediums

Mediumship readings can help you find peace and help with grief and emotional issues


Types of psychics

There are many clairvoyants, mediums, and psychics in the world. They offer services to help people connect with the spirit world and receive guidance and messages from loved ones who have passed.

These talented people use their psychic abilities to give people comfort, closure, and sometimes answers to questions that have been bothering them. If you seek guidance or advice or want to connect with a loved one who has passed, consider reaching out to one of the many talented psychic mediums.


Psychics generally work directly with spirit guides, who provide information and guidance. Psychics may also use tools such as tarot cards or crystal balls to help them receive information from the spirit world. You may get past, present, or future messages.

You may receive information about your career, finances, love, relationships, guidance, and direction. Seeing a psychic can give you the clarity you need to move forward if you feel lost or at a crossroads.


Mediums have existed for centuries and can connect with the spirit world. They can do this through their energy and the energy of the spirits. A medium raises its vibration to work with spirits.

This connection allows them to communicate with the spirits and receive their messages. Mediums can deliver healing messages to help someone grieving the loss of a loved one. This can bring much peace and comfort.

What are the psychic senses?

Psychic senses are known as the "clairs." Psychics and mediums use them to gather information about the world around them. These include clairvoyance, the ability to see things that are not physically present. There are two types of clairvoyance: subjective seeing in the mind's eye and objective seeing with the physical eyes.

Clairsentience is the ability to feel or sense things that are not physically present; and clairaudience is the ability to hear things that are not physically present, known as subjective clairaudience), or hearing sounds physically outside your ears, known as objective clairaudience.

Other psychic senses include claircognizance, the ability to know things without being told. Some psychic mediums have all the clairs, while others have one or two.

What mediums say

Many different mediums claim to be able to communicate with the spirit world. Some say that the spirit world is a place of love and light, while others say it is a dark and dangerous place.

Some mediums say that the spirits of our loved ones are always with us, while others say that they can only be reached through specific rituals or ceremonies. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide what they believe about the spirit world.