Removing Negative Entities & Ways to Protect Your Energy from Spiritual Intruders | Tony Womersley
Removing Negative Entities & Ways to Protect Your Energy from Spiritual Intruders

Removing Negative Entities & Ways to Protect Your Energy from Spiritual Intruders

Negative entities, also known as spiritual intruders, can cause psychic attacks and a lot of harm to a person's mental, emotional, and physical health. They can attach themselves to people and drain their energy, cause depression and anxiety, and even create physical illnesses.


Negative energies and spirit attachments can be dangerous and are often associated with negative experiences and symptoms, such as feeling drained or exhausted, experiencing mood swings or unexplained physical ailments, feeling like someone is watching or following you, experiencing strange smells or sounds, or having recurring nightmares.

Some beliefs and practices help remove negative spirit attachments from your aura, such as spiritual healing, energy healing work, shamanic practices, raising your vibration, or seeking the guidance of a qualified spiritual or mental health professional.

It is essential to approach these practices with caution and seek qualified professionals' guidance if you are experiencing distressing symptoms or concerns.

If you suspect that you have a negative entity attached to you, it's crucial to take steps to remove it and protect yourself. Here are some signs of spirit entities and attachments:

Signs of negative energetic attachments

  1. Feeling drained or exhausted all the time, even after getting enough sleep.
  2. Experiencing unexplained mood swings or feeling irritable, anxious, or depressed.
  3. Having unexplained physical ailments, such as headaches, back pain, or stomach issues.
  4. Feeling like someone or something is watching or following you, even when no one is around.
  5. Experiencing strange or unexplainable smells, sounds, or movements in your environment.
  6. Having recurring nightmares or experiencing sleep disturbances.
  7. Feel like you are experiencing a psychic attack and have intrusive thoughts.
  8. That your home or space feels like it is unwanted energy.

Suppose you are experiencing any of these signs. In that case, it may be helpful to seek the guidance of a qualified spiritual or mental health professional who can help you explore possible causes and provide appropriate support and treatment.

How to remove spirit attachments

Acknowledge the negative entity

The first step to removing a negative entity is acknowledging it exists. You may feel that something is off or notice changes in your behaviour, emotions, or physical health. Please pay attention to these signs and take them seriously. Denying that there's a problem will only make things worse.

Identify the type of negative entity

There are different types of negative entities, each requiring a specific approach to remove them. Some entities are human-made, such as curses or black magic, while others are non-human, such as demons or ghosts. Knowing the type of entity you're dealing with can help you find the right tools and resources to remove it.

Seek help from a spiritual professional

Removing a negative entity is not something that you should attempt to do on your own, especially if you're not trained in spiritual practices. Seek help from a spiritual professional, such as a shaman, energy healer, or priest. They can assess the situation, identify the entity type, and perform the necessary removal rituals or practices.

Practice spiritual hygiene

Once the negative entity is removed, practising spiritual cleansing and hygiene is essential to prevent it from returning. This includes maintaining a regular spiritual practice, such as meditation, using crystals, prayer, or yoga, and setting healthy boundaries with others. Protecting your energy by avoiding negative people, situations, and environments is also essential.

Stay positive and hopeful

Dealing with negative entities can be a challenging and emotional experience, but it's essential to stay positive and hopeful. Trust that the spiritual professional you worked with has removed the entity and that you're now protected. Focus on self-care and building positive relationships with others.

Benefits for releasing a negative spirit or entity attachment

Improved mental clarity and focus

Negative entities can create a mental fog that makes it challenging to concentrate, make decisions, and think clearly. When you release the negative entity, you may notice an immediate improvement in your mental clarity and focus. You'll feel more present and aware of your thoughts, and you'll be able to make better decisions with a clear mind.

Increased energy and vitality

Negative entities can drain your energy, leaving you tired, sluggish, and depleted. By removing the entity, you can reclaim your energy and vitality. You'll feel more energised, motivated, and enthusiastic about life.

Enhanced emotional stability

Negative entities can cause emotional instability, creating mood swings, anxiety, and depression. When you release the negative entity, you'll experience emotional stability, feeling more grounded, centred, and calm. You'll be better equipped to handle stressful situations and challenging emotions with greater ease and grace.

Improved physical health

Negative entities can create symptoms such as headaches, nausea, and body aches. When you release the negative entity, these physical symptoms may disappear, improving your overall physical health. You'll feel more vibrant, healthy, and alive.

Positive changes in your environment

Negative entities can create a negative atmosphere in your environment, making it feel heavy, oppressive, and uncomfortable. You'll notice positive environmental changes when you release the negative entity. Your home and workplace will feel lighter, brighter, and more harmonious.

Releasing negative entities can bring many benefits to your life. By improving mental clarity and focus, increasing energy and vitality, enhancing emotional stability, improving physical health, and creating positive changes in your environment, you'll experience a significant improvement in your overall well-being.

If you suspect that you have a negative entity attached to you, it's crucial to take steps to remove it and protect yourself.

Ways to protect yourself from negative spirit attachment

Maintain a positive mindset

Cultivate a positive outlook and maintain healthy boundaries with yourself and others.

Practice grounding and shielding

Grounding techniques like deep breathing or meditation can help you feel more centred and connected to the present moment. Visualising a protective shield around you can also help you feel protected.

Set clear intentions

Set clear intentions for your spiritual practices and rituals. Be clear on what energies and entities you will invite into your space and what you are not.

Practice spiritual hygiene

It's essential to cleanse your energy field and physical space regularly. Practice cleansing rituals such as smudging with sage, and palo santo, using essential oils and protective crystals or calling in your spirit guides to assist you in surrounding yourself with a white light protection bubble.

Seek the guidance of a qualified professional

If you are experiencing distressing symptoms or concerns related to potential spirit attachments, seek the guidance of a qualified spiritual or mental health professional who can perform spirit releasement therapy to help you explore possible causes and provide appropriate support and treatment.

Remember that spiritual protection is a personal practice, and what works for one person may not work for another. Find what resonates with you, and practice it regularly.