Smudging 101 Burning Sage To Cleanse & Clear Negativity From Your Environment & Self | Tony Womersley
Smudging 101 Burning Sage To Cleanse & Clear Negativity From Your Environment & Self

Smudging 101 Burning Sage To Cleanse & Clear Negativity From Your Environment & Self

Smudging is an ancient practice used for centuries by indigenous cultures worldwide. The practice involves burning sage, sacred plants, or other herbs and using the smoke to cleanse and clear a space or person of negative energy. People are becoming more interested in natural healing and other ways to take care of themselves, which has made smudging more popular.


The act of smudging is seen as a way to connect with the natural world and the spirit world. The smoke is believed to carry the sacred plant's essence and healing properties. People have also used smudging to protect their energy because they believe the smoke clears the space of bad energy and spirits and creates a barrier against unwanted entities.

Benefits of smudging

Smudging has many benefits for both physical and emotional health. Here is everything you need to know about the benefits:

Clears negative energy

Smudging is a way to clear all energies from a space or person if you feel stuck and stagnant. Different things, like spirit attachments, stress, arguments, illness, or trauma, can cause unwanted energy. By burning sage sticks or other herbs, the smoke is thought to neutralise energy and create a more positive and peaceful environment.

Promotes positivity

Smudging can promote positive energy and create a more uplifting atmosphere. It can be helpful to cleanse a space after an adverse event or to set a positive tone for a new beginning.

Reduces stress and anxiety

The act of smudging can be calming and soothing. The aroma of sage or other herbs can help ease negative thoughts, feelings, stress, and anxiety and promote relaxation.

Improves air quality

Burning sage or other herbs can help purify the air and remove toxins and bacteria. This can be especially beneficial for people with respiratory issues or allergies.

Enhances meditation

Smudging can be a helpful tool to enhance meditation practices. The aroma of sage or other herbs can create a sense of focus and clarity, making it easier to quiet the mind and connect with the present moment.

How to choose herbs for smudging

While sage is the most commonly used herb for smudging, many other herbs can be used for similar purposes. Here are a few examples:

White sage

Native American cultures have traditionally used white sage for its medicinal and spiritual properties. As part of smudging rituals, the plant's dried leaves are burned. This is thought to eliminate bad energies and clean a person or a space. The strong, pungent aroma of sage smoke promotes calmness and relaxation.


Incense can clear energy and is rooted in many cultural and spiritual practices. Some cultures believe that the smoke from burning incense cleans the air and makes things more peaceful and harmonious.

Many people use incense during meditation, prayer, and other spiritual rituals, which can help create a sacred space and promote a sense of calm and tranquillity. This can help dispel negative emotions and energy.


Cedar is often used for protection and grounding. It is believed to have a calming effect and can be helpful for those dealing with anxiety or depression.


Sweetgrass is often used for purification and blessing. It has a sweet, grassy aroma and is believed to promote harmony and balance.

Palo santo

Palo Santo is a type of wood often used for cleansing and healing. It smells sweet and woody; people think it helps spiritual growth and clarity.

When choosing herbs for smudging, selecting high-quality, sustainably sourced materials is essential. Look for herbs that are harvested ethically and without chemicals or pesticides. Sage, incense, Palo Santo sticks, and loose herbs are often sold at natural health stores or online.

How to smudge yourself & home

Smudging is a spiritual practice that involves burning herbs and using the smoke to purify or cleanse a person, object, or space. Here are the steps to cleanse yourself and your home:


  • Smudging herbs such as white sage, palo santo, or cedar
  • A smudging bowl or plate
  • A lighter or matches

Smudging yourself

  1. Choose a well-ventilated room where you can perform the cleansing ceremony.
  2. Light the smudging herb using a lighter or matches, then gently blow on the flame until it goes out and the herb is smoking.
  3. Hold the smudging bowl or plate with one hand and use the other hand to waft the smoke over your body from your feet up to your head. Alternatively, you can use a feather or a fan to move the smoke around your body.
  4. As you smudge yourself, imagine the smoke removing any bad energy or feelings you might carry.
  5. Once you have done your entire body, gently blow out the flame and extinguish the smudging herb in the bowl or plate.

Smudging your home

  1. Open all the windows and doors in your home to allow for ventilation.
  2. Light the smudging herb using a lighter or matches, then gently blow on the flame until it goes out and the herb is smoking.
  3. Begin at the front door and move in a clockwise direction around the perimeter of each room in your home, wafting the smoke into each corner of the room using a feather or fan.
  4. As you cleanse each room, visualise the smoke purifying and cleansing any negative energy or emotions that may be present in the space.
  5. Once you have done your entire home, extinguish the smudging herb in the bowl or plate and close all windows and doors.

Remember that smudging is a spiritual practice that should be done with respect and intention. Be mindful of fire safety when working with smudging herbs, and never leave a burning herb unattended.

Smudging has been used for centuries to promote healing, purification, and connection with nature. This old ritual can help remove negative energy and bring about balance and positivity, whether you're smudging your home, office, or yourself. If you use smudging as part of your self-care routine, you can benefit from it.