The 7 Chakras | Tony Womersley
The 7 Chakras

The 7 Chakras

Understanding the energy centers of the body, also known as chakras, is an important aspect of many spiritual and holistic practices. The word "chakra" comes from Sanskrit and translates to "wheel" or "disk," referring to the spinning energy centers in the body.


The seven main chakras are the body's energy centres essential to holistic health, wellness, and spirituality. The main chakras are aligned along the spinal column, starting at the base and extending to the crown of the head.

Each chakra is connected to a certain body part and is thought to control different parts of our physical, emotional, and spiritual lives. There are many different types of energy healing when the body is out of balance. We will closely examine the seven chakras and what each represents.

The root chakra (muladhara)

The root chakra is located at the base of the spine and is associated with red. This chakra is all about grounding, stability, and security. It is responsible for our sense of belonging and connection to the physical world.

A balanced root chakra can lead to feelings of stability, security, and grounding. A blocked root chakra can result in anxiety, restlessness, or greed. To balance the root chakra, try doing things that have to do with the earth, like gardening, hiking, or using essential sandalwood oil. If you still feel it needs balancing, consider energy healing.

The sacral chakra (svadhishthana)

The sacral chakra is in the lower abdomen and is associated with orange. This chakra is all about sexuality, creativity, and relationships. A balanced sacral chakra can lead to fulfilling sexual experiences and creative pursuits.

An imbalanced sacral chakra can result in sexual dysfunction, creativity blocks, or relationship issues. To balance this chakra, try incorporating the essential oil of ylang-ylang or engaging in activities like dancing or art.

The solar plexus chakra (manipura)

The solar plexus is the upper abdomen's third chakra associated with yellow. This chakra is all about self-esteem, confidence, and personal power. A balanced solar plexus chakra can lead to feelings of confidence and self-assuredness.

If your solar plexus chakra is out of balance, you may have low self-esteem, lack confidence, or depend too much on what other people think of you. To balance the solar plexus chakra, use lemon essential oil, do power poses, or tell yourself positive things.

The heart chakra (anahata)

The heart chakra is in the centre of the chest and is associated with green. This chakra is all about love, compassion, and relationships. A balanced heart chakra can lead to happy relationships, strong compassion, and love for oneself and others.

An imbalanced heart chakra can result in feelings of anger, jealousy, or a lack of compassion. To balance the heart chakra, try incorporating the essential oil of rose or engaging in acts of kindness and compassion.

The throat chakra (vishuddha)

The throat chakra is in the throat area and is associated with blue. This chakra is all about communication and self-expression. A balanced throat chakra can lead to practical communication skills and the ability to express oneself authentically and clearly.

An imbalanced throat chakra can result in a fear of speaking up or expressing oneself. To balance the throat chakra, try incorporating the essential oil of lavender or engaging in activities like singing or speaking affirmations.

The third eye chakra (ajna)

The third-eye chakra is located between the eyebrows and is associated with indigo. This chakra is all about intuition, perception, and spiritual insight. A balanced third eye chakra can lead to heightened intuition and spiritual awareness.

An imbalanced third eye chakra can result in confusion, a lack of direction, or trust in one's intuition. To balance the third eye chakra, try incorporating the essential oil of frankincense or engaging in activities like meditation or visualisation.

The crown chakra (sahasrara)

The crown chakra is the highest at the head's crown and is associated with violet. This chakra is all about spiritual connection and enlightenment.

A balanced crown chakra can lead to a sense of connection to a higher power and a greater understanding of the world and one's place in it. An imbalanced crown chakra can result in feelings of disconnection or a lack of purpose. To balance the crown chakra, try incorporating the essential oil of lotus or engaging in activities like mindfulness or spiritual practices.

The seven chakras are an essential aspect of holistic health and wellness. Understanding and balancing the chakras can lead to a greater sense of physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Reiki has many benefits, and other activities like crystal healing and using essential oils related to each chakra can help balance and support the body's energy flow.