Spirit and entity attachment is an external energy that can attach to a person, often causing physical, mental, or emotional disturbances. Everything, including people, has energy fields; external energies can influence these auric fields.
A negative spirit or entity can occur when external energy enters a person's aura and latches onto it. This can happen for various reasons, such as trauma, substance abuse, or negative emotions. The attachment may cause symptoms such as depression, anxiety, addiction, mood swings, fatigue, or physical illness.
Signs of negative spirits & entity attachments
Negative emotions and thoughts
One of the most common signs of a spirit attachment is a sudden onset of negative emotions and thoughts. This can include feelings of depression, anxiety, anger, or fear. These emotions may seem challenging to manage and can interfere with daily life. If you notice a sudden change in your mood or mental state, it may be a sign of an attached entity.
Unexplained physical symptoms
Entity attachments can also manifest as physical symptoms that medical professionals cannot explain. These symptoms may include chronic pain, fatigue, headaches, or digestive issues. These physical symptoms can result from the energy drain caused by the spirit attachment.
Disrupted sleep
Sleep disturbances are another common symptom of unwanted energies. This can include insomnia, nightmares, or night terrors. If you are experiencing disturbed sleep patterns, it may be a sign of negative energy that needs to be addressed.
Spirit attachments can also influence a person's behaviour and lead to addictive behaviours such as substance abuse, gambling, or overeating. This is because the attachment feeds off the negative energy generated by these addictive behaviours.
Relationship issues
Negative attachments can also create relationship issues, both personal and professional. This can manifest as frequent arguments or conflicts, a lack of trust, or communication difficulties. These issues may be caused by the negative energy generated by the attachment.
Intrusive thoughts and behaviours
Intrusive thoughts and behaviours are another sign of a spirit attachment. This can include sudden urges to harm oneself or others, self-harming or obsessive-compulsive behaviours. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you must seek help immediately.
How to protect yourself
If you suspect that you have a spirit attachment, there are several things you can do to protect yourself.
Seek professional help
The first step in protecting yourself from a spirit attachment is to seek professional help. This can include a spiritual healer, who can perform spirit releasement therapy, a therapist, or a medical professional. They can help you determine the best action to address the attachment.
Cleanse your energy
Cleansing your energy is another important step in protecting yourself from negative entities. This includes meditation, healing energy, or smudging with sage or other herbs. These practices can help to remove negative energy and create a protective barrier around your energy field.
Set boundaries
Setting boundaries is important in protecting yourself from spiritual attachments. This can include setting boundaries with people who may be draining your energy and with the attachment itself.
Practice self-care
Practising self-care is also important for protecting yourself from spiritual attachments. This can include getting enough rest, smudging your home and aura, eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and engaging in activities that bring you joy.
Spirit entities can seriously affect a person's physical, mental, and emotional health. It is essential to be aware of the symptoms and to seek a professional medium practitioner who offers spirit releasement. Protecting yourself and practising spiritual cleansing and self-care can prevent attachments and maintain a healthy energy field.