The Signs of a Spirit or Entity Attachment | Tony Womersley
The Signs of a Spirit or Entity Attachment

The Signs of a Spirit or Entity Attachment

A spirit or entity attachment is a condition where an external entity, such as a ghost or negative energy, attaches itself to a person and interferes with their physical, mental, or emotional well-being.


If you've ever felt like someone or something was following you, even alone, you may have experienced a spirit or entity attachment. These entities can be dangerous, frightening, overwhelming, sneaky, and hardly ever detected, but there are ways to recognise the signs and protect yourself. Let’s explore the signs of a spirit or entity attachment and provide tips for dealing with and removing these negative energies.

Unexplained mood swings

One of the most common signs of a spirit or entity attached to you is experiencing sudden and unexplained mood swings. You may feel happy one minute and then suddenly become sad or angry without reason.

Feeling drained of energy

If you're experiencing a spirit or entity attached to you, you may feel like your energy is being drained. This can leave you exhausted, even if you've had enough sleep or rest.

Sudden changes in personality

You may notice sudden changes in your personality if you're experiencing a spirit attached to you. For example, you may become more withdrawn or reclusive, or you may start acting in ways that are out of character for you.

Unexplained physical symptoms

People experiencing attached spirits in their aura or energy field may also experience unexplained physical symptoms, such as headaches, nausea, or stomach pain.

The feeling of being watched

It may be a sign of a negative entity if you feel you're being watched, even alone. This feeling can be overwhelming, making relaxing or feeling safe in your home difficult.

Strange noises

It may signify spiritual entities if you hear unexplained noises in your home, such as footsteps or knocking. A feeling of unease or fear may accompany these noises.

Strange smells

People who think a negative spirit is attached may also smell strange or unexplained odours, such as perfume or burning. These smells may come and go, and other defining signs of an attachment may accompany them.

Disruptions in electronics

If your electronics or appliances malfunction, whether new or recently repaired, it may indicate a negative spirit or entity attached. These disruptions, like flickering lights, may be minor or more significant, such as complete device failure.

Sudden changes in sleep

If you're experiencing a spirit attachment, you may also notice sudden changes in your sleep patterns. You may have trouble falling asleep or wake up frequently during the night.

If you're experiencing any of these signs, it's important to take action to protect yourself. The first step is to seek out the help of a qualified professional. This may include a spiritual healer, energy worker, shaman, or counsellor. Smudge yourself, and your home with white sage will cleanse you and your property.

In addition to seeking professional help, there are things you can do to protect your energy from spirit or entity attachments. These include practising meditation, setting boundaries, calling in your spirit guides, using crystals, surrounding yourself with positive energy, and raising your vibration.

Taking care of yourself physically is also essential by getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and exercising regularly.

By recognising the causes of a spirit or entity attachment and taking action to protect your energy field and physical self, you can regain control of your energy, aka your aura, and live a happy, healthy life.

Remember, it's never too late to seek help, and many resources are available to you if you're experiencing an attachment or spiritual possession. With the proper support and guidance, you can overcome these influences and live a fulfilling life free of unwanted attachments.