The Use of Energy Healing to Help you Heal Trauma Related Physical Pain | Tony Womersley
The Use of Energy Healing to Help you Heal Trauma Related Physical Pain

The Use of Energy Healing to Help you Heal Trauma Related Physical Pain

Trauma can have a lasting impact on an individual's physical and mental health. People who have been through trauma often have chronic pain, such as headaches, back pain, and tight muscles. Traditional ways of dealing with pain, like medication and physical therapy, can be helpful, but they may not address the emotional and mental trauma that is often at the root of the pain. Energy healing is a powerful tool to heal deep-rooted traumas.


Trauma-related physical pain can significantly impact an individual's quality of life. While traditional pain management methods can be effective, they may not address the underlying emotional and psychological trauma that is often the root cause of the pain. Energy healing, such as Reiki, offers a holistic approach to healing that addresses the physical and emotional aspects of trauma-related pain.

Trauma and physical pain

Trauma can manifest in many different ways, including physical pain. Many factors, including muscle tension, inflammation, and nerve damage, can cause this pain. However, research has shown that trauma-related pain is often linked to emotional and psychological factors, such as stress, anxiety, and depression.

What is energy healing?

It's a holistic approach to healing that addresses an individual's physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects. It involves the manipulation of the energy field and the seven chakras in and around the body to help you heal and balance the body's natural energy flow. There are many different types of healing modalities, including Reiki, acupuncture, and acupressure, among others.

How energy healing can help

Healing therapy can effectively treat trauma-related physical pain by addressing the pain's root cause rather than just treating the symptoms.

Energy healing can help reduce inflammation, alleviate chronic pain and muscle tension, and promote relaxation by promoting energy flow throughout the body and releasing any energy blockages or disruptions. Healing therapy can help address trauma's emotional and psychological aspects that may contribute to the pain.

Reiki as an example of energy healing

Reiki is particularly effective for treating trauma-related pain. Reiki is a Japanese healing technique involving energy transfer from the Reiki practitioner to the client. During a Reiki session, the practitioner places their hands on or near the client's body and channels energy to promote healing and relaxation.

Research has shown that Reiki can effectively reduce pain and anxiety in individuals who have experienced trauma. In one study, individuals who received Reiki treatments reported significant reductions in pain, anxiety, and depression, as well as improvements in sleep quality.

Energy healing is a complementary therapy

That has the potential to help individuals address trauma-related pain. Many individuals report experiencing relief from physical and emotional issues through trauma healing. Suppose you're interested in exploring holistic healing as a treatment for trauma-related pain.

Working with a qualified, experienced practitioner who can recommend the right approach for your needs is essential. Individuals can find relief and improve their mind, body, and overall well-being by taking a holistic approach that addresses the physical and emotional distress of trauma-related pain.