What is a Medium? | Tony Womersley
What is a Medium?

What is a Medium?

In the world of spirituality, a "medium" is a person who has the ability to communicate with the spirits of those who have passed away. There are many types of mediumship, mental mediumship, trance, physical mediumship, séance, and ectoplasm.


Have you ever wondered what a "medium definition" is in the spiritual sense? If so, you're not alone. It is a fascinating topic that has been around for centuries and has captured the interest of many people worldwide.

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a medium is "a person believed to have the power to communicate with the paranormal and spirits of people who have died and to allow them to communicate with living people." This definition emphasises the role of the medium as a communicator between the living and the dead. It highlights the belief that mediums possess a special ability or power to access the spiritual realm.

Understanding mediumship

In the practice of communicating with the spirits of the deceased, a psychic medium can feel the presence of spirits and get messages from them using their intuitive abilities. These messages can be in the form of thoughts, feelings, or even physical sensations. It is not new and has been practised for centuries across different cultures and religions.

How mediumship works

It works on the principle that spirit is always present around us and that it's possible to communicate with those who have passed away. A medium and a psychic use different techniques to connect with the afterlife, including meditation, telepathy, intuition, channelling, and automatic writing.

They may also use tools such as tarot cards, crystal balls, or pendulums to help them receive messages from spirits in a reading. Mediumship is a powerful tool to connect you with passed loved ones and help you heal through grief.

Types of mediumship

There are different types, each with its unique approach and purpose. Here are some of the most common types:

Trance medium

It involves going into a trance state and allowing the spirits of the dead to speak through the medium's physical body. The medium's conscious mind is temporarily set aside, allowing the spirit to communicate directly with the sitter or audience.

Physical medium

It is a physical manifestation of spirits. In physical mediumship, spirits are believed to be able to manipulate physical objects to communicate with the living. Physical is often rarer and more dramatic than mental, and it is usually conducted in a darkened room, with a small group of people sitting in a circle.


A séance is a gathering of people who attempt to communicate with the deceased. The participants typically sit in a circle, and the medium, who is believed to have the ability to communicate with spirits, leads the session. During the séance, the medium may use different techniques to connect with the spirit world and receive messages to relay to the participants.


It is a spiritualist practice that involves a medium channelling energy and producing a substance known as "ectoplasm" from the body. Ectoplasm is a physical manifestation of spiritual energy. It is often described as a white, filmy substance that can be moulded or shaped by the spirits with which the medium communicates.

Mental mediumship

Receiving messages through thoughts, feelings, or mental images. The medium acts as a channel, receiving information from the unseen world and relaying it to the recipient. This type can be further divided into the psychic senses of clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience.


It involves receiving information from the spirit world through visions or mental images. The medium may see images or symbols in their mind's eye that represent messages. They may also see the spirits themselves or receive information about past or future events.


It involves receiving messages from spirits through hearing. The medium may hear voices or sounds that represent messages from the spirits. These messages may come in words or phrases or be more abstract, such as a song or a musical tune.


It involves receiving messages from spirits through physical sensations or feelings. The medium may feel emotions or physical sensations that represent messages from the spirits. For example, they may feel sadness or grief, indicating that the spirit they are communicating with is a sad or grieving person.

Is mediumship real?

The validity of this topic has much debate and controversy. Some people believe it's a genuine ability that can be developed and honed, while others dismiss it as a hoax or a trick. It's essential to do your research and make your own decisions about the practice. To explore any of these modalities, you should seek a reputable and experienced medium to guide you.

These fascinating practices have been around for centuries. Whether you believe in it or not, it's essential to understand what it is and how it works. Mediums are believed to have a special gift or ability to connect with the spirit world and receive messages from those who have passed away. To explore and develop your psychic abilities, research and seek a reputable, experienced medium to guide you.