What is a Psychic? | Tony Womersley
What is a Psychic?

What is a Psychic?

A psychic is an individual with a special gift for sensing and interpreting energy to gain insights and make predictions about a person's life.


Psychics have extrasensory abilities, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, or precognition, which they use to gain insight and information about people, events, and situations. Many people turn to psychics for guidance and support in their personal and professional lives. But what exactly is a psychic, and how do they work?

Definition of a psychic

A psychic is a person who claims to have heightened psychic senses and intuitive abilities, allowing them to sense or see things beyond the physical realm. They use their psychic abilities to help people understand their past, present, and future and offer guidance on personal and professional matters.

How psychics work

The exact way that psychics work still needs to be fully understood. Still, many believe they can tap into a higher consciousness or the collective unconscious to access information and insights. Some use tools like cards or astrology charts to help focus their abilities, while others rely solely on intuition.

Types of psychics

There are several psychics, each with unique abilities and specialities. The most common include clairvoyants, spiritual mediums, card readers, and astrologers.


Can perceive information through extrasensory perception (ESP), which involves gaining information beyond the five senses. As an example, they can see visions or images, receive messages, and gain insights into a person's past, present, or future.


Mediums and psychic mediums can communicate with the spirit world by channelling spirits, spirit guides, or deceased loved ones. They can channel messages from those who have passed on and convey them to the living.

Tarot readers

They use tarot cards to gain insights into a person's life. Each card in the deck has a specific meaning, and by interpreting the cards drawn, a reader can gain insights into a person's past, present or see into the future.


Astrologers use astrology, which is the study of the movements and positions of celestial bodies, to gain insights into a person's life. They use a person's birth chart based on their birth date, time, and location to predict their personality, relationships, and life events.

The benefits of working with a psychic

Working with a psychic reader can provide numerous benefits, including emotional support, guidance, and clarity. Psychic readings can help people with their past and present experiences, predict the future and offer advice on personal and professional matters.

Psychics claim to have heightened supernatural psychic abilities; whether you seek guidance, support, or a different perspective, working with a psychic can be a valuable and rewarding experience.

Every psychic has unique abilities and specialities. It's essential to research and find a psychic who specialises in the type of reading you're interested in. It's essential to choose a psychic who is reputable and trustworthy and with whom you feel comfortable. Remember, a psychic and a medium's information and insights should never be used to make major life decisions.