What Is a Psychic Medium? | Tony Womersley
What Is a Psychic Medium?

What Is a Psychic Medium?

A psychic medium serves as an intermediary between the spirit world and the living.


What differentiates a medium from a psychic?

All mediums are psychic, but not all psychics are mediums. Both mediums and psychics can be valuable, depending on what you need. A medium receives messages from the spirit world. Giving evidence about your past loved ones, such as names, causes of death, relationship to the sitter, and much more.

A psychic reads your energy and tells you things about yourself and things that happened in your past. Also, things are happening now or could happen in the future.

Mediums bridge the gap between the living and the deceased

Mediums act as a bridge between the living and the deceased. They use their spiritual abilities to communicate with the spirits of those who have passed away and relay messages from the other side.

Mediums can get messages from loved ones who have died in many ways, such as through images, sounds, and feelings. Mediums also use their intuitive skills to help them interpret and understand the messages they receive.

How do mediums connect with the spirit world?

There is no one answer to this question, as each medium has unique abilities and ways of interacting with spirits. Mediums use different psychic senses to receive messages from the spirit world. Some common methods include channelling, automatic writing, trance mediumship, and physical mediumship.

Considering talking to a psychic medium? Here's what to expect

If you are considering talking to a medium, it is important to understand what to expect. A medium can use their psychic senses to talk to the spirit world and loved ones who have died.

Mediums may be able to provide you with information about your loved ones who have passed away. However, remember that not all mediums are trustworthy, and there are some scam artists to be wary of. Here are some things to keep in mind if you are considering talking to a medium:

1. There is no guarantee that the medium will be able to connect with your loved one. Mediums don’t control which loved ones in spirit come through in a reading. While some mediums are very gifted, there is no guarantee that they will be able to connect with the person you want to talk to.

Do not be discouraged if the medium says they cannot connect with your loved one. You could try another medium. Mediumship and connecting with the spirit world aren't exact sciences.

2. In a medium reading, only take the information if it resonates with you. However, if their information is helpful, knowing that your loved one is still around and doing well may bring peace of mind.